Ritual Bath & Cleansing Salts
These amazing bath salts include: *Epsom Salts *Organic Herbs *Flower Water *Essential Oils *Real Crystals We currently have 2 brands available *Ching Ching- Brings in abundance to bathe in and enhance. This bath salt calls in generational wealth, and boosts money management. *Enchanted Love~ Mending Heart- heals and calms the heart chakra after life events and break ups. Helps to call the love you desire into you. This one is VERY strong. 2 tblsp for each bath. Get your ritual baths and bring in the energy you need to propel you into the life you want to manifest. COMING SOON: PROTEC &JEWEL DROP Usage: 4oz is a month’s supply use every 2 weeks. 2 oz is a 2 weeks supply use every 2 weeks.
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