Bright Blessings,
I hope your Monday is just as amazing as each of you are! Monday’s Messages comes right in time to start your week off! We are enjoying this amazing day, the weather has gotten so warm all the way up to 60 degrees. And today’s messages are just as beautiful as the weather has been. I hope that today’s messages give you clarity and understanding. If you have questions about your current life’s situations please feel free to Connect with me and order your private tarot reading.
Love & Light take care of yourself and everyone around you! 🤗❤️

Goddess of Creation-
Transformation- Creativity- Wholeness
Its time for you to chill out and let go of rigid and fixed thinking/ideas. This is a time to relax and take time out to just be you! You really have been trying to hard lately and are taking things far too seriously. This has caused you to block your creativity and energy. If you’re feeling tired of the same things and tired of just fighting to get things right, this would be the best time to relax and clear your mind. Solitude is where we seem to find most of all our answers. This will in turn help restore your energy and creativity all at the same time! I know sometimes you tell yourself that you don’t have time to relax, and that relaxing now will only make things difficult. But the total opposite is true. So make this a priority and you will find that an interesting transformation takes place. Your creativity will expand and you will feel revitalized by a new sense of purpose and inspiration. Relaxation will slow down your thoughts and open your heart. It is fuel for the soul that will have a positive flow effect for your entire being. Your well-being is of paramount importance so do not take it for granted. Without it, nothing else really matters.
I take time each day to relax
I make time each day to nurture my spirit
I connect spiritually to a space of love inside my heart
I find peace within
I am light- I am love