Hidden Path
The marriage of spirit and matter
Bright Blessings,
This card indicates that you have traveled far in search of greater meaning and fulfillment, now that you have made much progress and you’ve learned valuable lessons. You want to continue your journey, but the road seems to have come to an end. Your next question is where do you go from here? There is symbolic imagery on this card, it sets within a magical forest, it seems inviting, yet the way forward is not clear. No physical path exists, however there is a way forward just between the trees is a symbol for eternal life and to your right is a symbol for healing and protection. This card invites you to move forward spiritually and it offers you healing and protection along the way. Spirit and matter must now merge if true progress is to be made, your rational mind must align with your heart. Because when heart and mind are both focused on the same goal, amazing things become possible. This is true spiritual alchemy, all you work towards can now be achieved.
My heart and mind
are in perfect alignment
My hearts desire and my thoughts
are one
I am a spiritual being
In a physical body
The journey ahead
Is filled with light
The light of my soul
Illuminates my path.
I hope today’s message offers you clarity and insight!
Love & Light
Spiritual Butterfly